FLORIDA - Federal Courts Update

A.    State

Florida State Courts are engaging in a phased reopening process. All Florida State Courts are currently in Phase 1 or Phase 2. Those that are in Phase 2 permit limited in-person contact for certain purposes subject to the following of protective measures. Courts in Phase 1 are more restricted, rarely conducting in-person proceedings and keeping their facilities largely closed to the public. Each Court’s particular phase can be found on its website. Currently, the phases vary throughout the State and may change depending on local conditions.

B.     Federal

In the Southern District of Florida, anyone entering a court facility must wear a face mask and adhere to social distancing guidelines. All jury trials scheduled to begin on or after March 30 are postponed until Jan. 4, 2021. Trial-specific deadlines in criminal cases scheduled to begin before Jan. 4 are postponed until further order of the court, and judges may continue those deadlines for civil cases at their discretion. Grand jury sessions are postponed until Jan. 4. Judges may hold hearings, conferences and bench trials at their discretion, and are encouraged to do so remotely.

Court security officers are screening people who enter the federal courthouse and denying entry to anyone who has recently visited Italy, Iran, South Korea or China. Anyone who resides with or has had recent close contact with someone who has traveled to one of those countries, has been asked to self-quarantine, has tested positive for the coronavirus or had contact with someone tested positive also will not be able to enter any of the federal courthouses in the district.

In the Middle District of Florida, those with symptoms of COVID-19 and those who may have been exposed to the coronavirus are prohibited from entering any courthouse. A face mask is required for entry at courthouses in all the district's divisions. Some proceedings may be conducted remotely.

In the Northern District of Florida, the U.S. Courthouse and the Winston E. Arnow Federal Building in the Pensacola Division of the court have reopened to the public. Everyone entering a courthouse in the district must wear a face mask, except for children under age 2 and those with a medical condition that precludes them from wearing a face mask. Hearings may be held remotely.